So, you want a baby? And the traditional woman meets man has baby story doesn’t apply to your life? Life feels hard? Well, it is. You are not alone.

There is a myriad of reasons people get here: You happen to love a person who’s the same sex, so you’ll need help from folks outside of your relationship — doctor, known or anonymous donor, surrogate, lawyer, angel, unicorn. Your career was a priority and now you are labeled geriatric in the medical community. GERIATRIC?! Yes, geriatric. (Me) Perhaps you are single and ready, or not ready, to mingle and you feel time is running out. (Also, me) Maybe you check all the go boxes for wham bam baby but you’re not getting pregnant, or you are, but not carrying to term. (Le sigh, me again.) Maybe even the scientists can’t come up with the reason for why you don’t have a baby yet. There is a lot to navigate. It’s overwhelming. It’s infuriating. It’s devastating. You. Are not. Alone.

There are things you can control and things you can’t.

That sucks.

Fertile Grounding is an action. It’s hard work to root yourself in what is. And it requires daily watering to stay strong. I can help you show up and remain standing.

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I’m Rayne Marcus and I’m not a medical professional. You probably already have enough of those if you’re here. I am a support with a training and personal experience background in coaching and self-care. I am invested in helping you navigate your desire to have a family because I too am part of this club, a club I wish none of us had a membership to. But since we’re here, let’s shake a tail feather. Together.